Guarding your indoor air with confidence!
Keep your building occupants safe and protect the air they breathe from airborne micro-organisms, such as harmful viruses and bacteria, with Allanson’s AirGuard C600 UVC Air Purification Ceiling Fixtures.  Allanson’s cost-effective commercial air purifiers are carefully designed and engineered for maximum performance and safety.  Contact us today!

Allanson AirGuard C600

Allanson’s AirGuard C600 and AirGuard C600-M are commercial grade UVC Air Purification Ceiling Fixtures with multi-stage filtration and UVC sterilization chambers that purify indoor air up to 99.9%+ .  Using a cross-flow fan, the Allanson AirGuard C600 and AirGuard C600-M circulate the air multiple times every hour.  Each unit includes 2 filters (pre-filter and H12 graded or medical grade H13 HEPA filter respectively), and a powerful 36W UVC lamp.  The 2-stage filtration purifies any air that passes through the unit.

AirGuard C600 units draw in untreated air, pass it through a multi-stage filtration and sterilization process, and release the purified air.  Any particles that escape the filter are exposed to the high UVC radiation for sterilization.  Allanson’s UVC lamp generates UVC light at 254nm, a method of sterilization to inactivate pathogens since the early 1900s!

Integrated smart sensing technology allows for efficient and timely replacement of critical components.  This unique feature, the only one in it’s class, ensures continuous operation and air purification.



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